
Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

Ebola rafft Ärzte dahin wie Fliegen

* Chefvirologe in Liberia: tot
* US Arzt: kämpft noch.

Auch der erste Nigeria Fallimport: tot.

[1] Nigeria: fatality
Date: Fri 25 Jul 2014
Source: Linda Ikeji's Blog [edited]

According to reports, [PS] died yesterday night [24 Jul 2014] at the First Consultant Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos where he'd been receiving treatment. His condition was said to have worsened.

[PS], who was an official of the Liberian Ministry of Finance, arrived in Nigeria on [Sun 20 Jul 2014] for a conference.

Date: Sat 26 Jul 2014
From: Oyewale Tomori <> [edited]
Cross-posted from <>

To get to Obalende, Ikoyi from the airport, you have to pass through Ikeja, Yaba, Lagos, see, and now it is essential that tracing all who had contact with the case is rapidly and efficiently done.

We are not out of the woods yet, until we cross the time covering exposure/contact and incubation period of the disease.

One aspect we miss out ...did the flight come direct from Liberia or were there stops on the way say Lome, etc.? And who had contact with [the Liberian]? We need to contact other countries where ASKY [Airlines] might have landed and is still landing. I hear also about other airlines -- Arik does direct Abuja-Monrovia-Freetown flights. So we must also mount our surveillance not only in Lagos, but also in Abuja, not forgetting the Idi-Iroko Seme border.

Another point which made me proud of this issue was the laboratory support within the country. The lab in LUTH [Lagos University Teaching Hospital] under Prof Omilabu received samples on 22 Jul 2014 and the next day provided results of a pan-filovirus-family diagnosis. Samples were also sent to Prof Happi's lab at the Redeemer's University late on 23 Jul 2014. The Happi team worked and tested for both pan-filovirus and specific Ebola-Zaire and Ebola-Sudan viruses, and early on 25 Jul 2014 confirmed the isolate as a strain of Ebola-Zaire. Later WHO sent samples to Dakar [Senegal, Institut Pasteur] and it was again confirmed as an Ebola-Zaire isolate. I hear the RUN lab will commence sequencing studies pretty soon. My congratulations to our colleagues in LUTH and RUN for a great job.

Prof Oyewale Tomori
The Lord's Cruse
Akobo, Ibadan 200222
PO Box 14232, UI Post Office, Ibadan 200284
Oyo State

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