
Montag, 4. August 2014

Ebola in Nigeria könnte der Beginn einer biblischen Katastrofe des 21.Jh. sein

Ärztin in Nigeria infiziert:

Vorab, der bemerkenswert inhaltlich schwachsinnigste Satz ist dieser:
They did not quarantine his fellow passengers, and have insisted that the risk of additional cases was minimal.  
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Published Date: 2014-08-04 12:32:58
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> Ebola virus disease - West Africa (113): Nigeria, 2nd case
Archive Number: 20140804.2658338
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Mon 4 Aug 2014
Source: ABC News, Associated Press (AP) report [edited]
[The URL is very misleading. - Mod.JW]

Nigeria confirms doctor as 2nd Ebola [virus disease] case
Nigerian authorities on Monday [4 Aug 2014] confirmed a 2nd case of Ebola virus disease [EVD] in Africa's most populous country, an alarming setback as officials across the region battle to stop the spread of a disease that has killed more than 700 people [more than 800 as of 31 Jul 2014 (WHO) -- see ProMED archive 20140803.2656749, and many more will have died in the last 2 days. - Mod.JW]

Nigerian Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu also said test samples were pending for 3 other people who had shown symptoms of EVD.

The confirmed 2nd case is a doctor who had helped treat [PS], the Liberian-American man who died 25 Jul 2014 days after arriving in Nigeria amid the unprecedented outbreak in West Africa. "3 others who participated in that treatment who are currently symptomatic have had their samples taken and hopefully by the end of today [4 Aug 2014] we should have the results of their own tests," Chukwu said.

The emergence of a 2nd case raises serious concerns about the infection control practices that were used while [PS] was in Nigeria, and also raise the specter that more cases could emerge. It can take up to 21 days after exposure to the virus for symptoms to appear. They include fever, sore throat, muscle pains and headaches. Often nausea, vomiting and diarrhea follow, along with bleeding.

[PS], who was traveling to Nigeria on business, became ill while aboard a flight [from Liberia] and Nigerian authorities immediately took him into isolation. They did not quarantine his fellow passengers, and have insisted that the risk of additional cases was minimal. Nigeria is the 4th country to report EVD cases and at least [800] other people have died in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

Nigerian authorities said a total of 70 people are under surveillance and that they hoped to have 8 people in quarantine by the end of Monday [4 Aug 2014] in an isolation ward in Lagos.

[Byline: Bashir Adigun]

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail Rapporteur Mary Marshall

[Now the fat is really in the fire. Lagos is Africa's biggest city, with 21 million people, and one of the world's most crowded, with poor healthcare infrastructure.

A businessman relative informs me that he has seen many Nigerian market women at Beijing airport who spend their lives flying from Lagos via Abu Dhabi to buy cheap goods in China and take them back home to sell. Enterprising Nigerian traders travel to every world market. - Mod.JW

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