
Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

Monrovia: Heftige Unruhen im Gefolge staatlich angeordneter Ebola Quarantaine

Es war nichts anderes zu erwarten. Und das ist sicher erst der Beginn unabsehbarer Entwicklungen.

Eine PR - Ente? "The government announced Monday that all 17 of the patients had been found after turning themselves in but no eyewitnesses saw them do so."

"Besides the West Point melee, the nation’s capital, Monrovia is at a standstill with no commercial activities with many running helter-skelter for shelter as reports of the West Point incident spread." 

"This is what happens, when all hope is lost. If you quarantine a community where about 90% of the residence depend on moving about to earn daily living and such liberties are ceased without a clearly plan, these are the reactions you get, especially for community like West Point."

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